Sunday, 16 October 2016

YA New Releases Calendar 2017 (#1)

Hi guys!!!So I decided to make calendars with all the new YA releases for each month. These are not professional-looking at all, they are just the way I keep track of the book releases each month ^o^. I add new releases as their covers are released, so for example, I am BEYOND excited for ACOTAR3, but I will add it when it gets it's (inevitably) beautiful cover.
Please feel free to download the calendar and add your own most anticipated releases - and please do share! Just add a link back to here please :-)
I'll keep adding as I make the calendars, and please do comment if I'm missing a book so that I can add it.
Here's the links:
January 2017
February 2017 
March 2017 
April 2017
I leave you with a gif of how I feel everytime the book release day comes :D
Megan x