2018 was an amazing reading year for me! In addition to more than doubling the number of books I read last year, I read some new favourites, was sent some wonderful new releases by publishers, went to BEA and most of all, even met a few book blogging friends!
Let's look back on the books I read this year!
P.S. Many of these graphics are from the wonderful Year In Review Feature on Goodreads, so thank you goodreads for making my job easier for me! I also included the book I'm currently reading in the stats, since it will be finished by midnight tonight (I hope!).
(Not including rereads, and I included Enchantee because I am adoring it so far, even though I won't finish it until tonight.)
- In fantasy books this year, I adored Seanan McGuire's Wayward Children series and Robin Lafever's His Fair Assasin series.
- In contempary I loved The Astonishing Colour of After, American Panda, Flight Season and Exit Persued by a Bear.
- Interestingly, all but 2 authors are new to me authors!
- 20 Rereads vs 100 New Reads
- New Reads were 26 Debuts vs 74 Returning Authors
- Read more diversely! In 2019, I want the majority of books I am reading to feature a marginalised character.
- Read 150 books. In order to do this I will need to read around 12-13 books per month. This will be a serious challenge for me with all I will have going on at university, but I think I can do it!
- Get on top of my ARCs and review copies. By the end of 2019 I want to have no backlist ARCs left to review. I currently have about 65 so this will mean every 1-2 books I will be reading one of these backlist titles.